Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Grandparents Day and Field Trip Information

Grandparents Day – This Friday, March 21st, 8:15 am

Grandparents go directly to the gym when they arrive for registration, refreshments, and welcoming.
Please wear casual clothing and comfortable footwear.
8:15-8:40 Welcome and refreshments
8:40-9:30 Whole school Community Circle in the gym
9:30-10:30 Classroom Activities (K-5)
Field Activity (6-8 grades)
10:40-11:30 Field Activity (K-5)
Classroom Activities (6-8 grades)
11:30-12:00 Closing Wrap-up in classrooms
12:00 Dismissal for Spring Break

The 4th Grade will be going caving (at Worley's Cave in TN) with TAASC on the first Tuesday and Wednesday upon return from Spring Break. One class will go at a time.
The money to cover this is coming out of the money for the end of year field trip. Our guides have limited the number of people we can bring into the cave at one time. Therefore, we cannot take any chaperones. We are asking that you can pick up your child at 5:oopm on this day to extend the amount of time we can spend in the cave.

First payment for the end of year field trip is DUE THIS FRIDAY- $25.00

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