Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Caving in Tennesse

Wow! That was so much fun! Except for the bus breaking down on the side of I-26 in Tennessee; having to drive to a rental place to rent a 15 passenger can, then drive back to the bus on the side of the highway- all while making arrangements to be picked up later that day at the rental place with the other Evergreen bus, which was late due to traffic in Asheville. Yeah, that's how we ended up being an hour and a half late. Sorry about that. The Transmission Gods seemed to have been against us, but we prevailed and, most importantly, the kids stayed positive.

We were very impressed with the kids today. As our TAASC leaders led us on a fantastic trip through the wonderfully mysterious Worley's Cave, we saw students lending hands, helping one another up, as they slipped and slid on the caves smooth, damp floor. We heard encouraging words, chanting, victory screams, and many grunts as we slid on our bellies (in what can be best described as a slanted chimney on it's side). We covered ourselves in mud and soaked our feet in the cool, dark, stagnant waters.

This was the perfect experience for our class to start with coming back from spring break. It really sets the tone for the remainder of the year. We need to continue to support one another, take risks, and trust ourselves so that we can go out in style. I am so proud of our students today. They showed a large amount of courage, compassion, and responsibility. Thanks for sending us these amazing kids!
Here is a slideshow of some of the said moments. Enjoy the rest of your week!


Callie said...

WOW! Kevin,you really did good putting this slide show together!


Purple Sea Turtle said...
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